Tea House Logo

饮料  Beverage

浆果柠檬水Berry Lemonade Vegetable$5.50
香园波霸奶茶Boba Milk Tea Vegetable$8.00
可乐Coke Vegetable$3.95
健怡可乐Diet Coke Vegetable$3.95
自制热/冰豆浆Homemade Hot/Cold Soy Milk Vegetable$3.50
热茶Hot Jasmine Tea Vegetable$3.95
冰茉莉蜜茶Ice Jasmine Honey Tea Vegetable$4.95
冰茶Ice Tea Vegetable$3.25
加多宝Jia Duo Bao Vegetable$3.25
柠檬汁Lemonade Vegetable$2.25
杨枝甘露Mango Sago Vegetable$8.00
芒果冰沙Mango Smoothie Vegetable$8.00
橙汁Orange Juice Vegetable$5.50
紫米酸奶Rice Yogurt Vegetable$8.00
草莓冰冰Sparkling Strawberry Vegetable$5.95
雪碧Sprite Vegetable$3.95
草莓冰沙Strawberry Smoothie Vegetable$8.00
香园泰式奶茶Thai Milk Tea Vegetable$7.00
西瓜汁Watermelon Juice Vegetable$7.00

Spicy Icon Spicy 辣

Veggie Icon Vegetarian Dish 素

Weekend brunch is available from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Menu QR Code


1) Due to rapid changes of food materials and labor costs, the prices on the paper menu may not be updated in time. Please scan the QR code or go to www.teahouseumn.com/Menu to see current menu prices.

2) This menu is only available at the University of Minnesota location.

3) 18% gratuity will be added to checks for five or more.

4) Sorry, no checks accepted.

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Print Date 打印日期: 02/18/2025